Here is a list of services that PSAPPSRV is responsible for, along with a description of each service.
- GetCertificate-
Create a certificate for the client. The certificate is passed back to forth between client and server with each subsequent service request during the users session. The certificate identifies the client to the server and shows the server that the client has been properly authenticated.
- MenuList-
Retrieves a list of installed menus. For Web Client.
- MgrGetObject-
Get one or more managed objects (these could be records, panels, programs or any of about 50 managed object types)
- MgrClear-
Synchronize Client Cache for checking for updated objects in the database. The keys of the updated objects are returned to the client.
- MgrPeek-
Query whether all the objects in a panel group are in app server local memory. (Used only for display purposes - not reliable for multiple servers)
- JavaMgrGetObj-
MgrGetObject for Web (Java) client. If the requested object is a Menu Definition, security is applied to the definition for the current user. If the requested object is a Panel Group Definition, a menu name is also required; if the current user has no authorization on that menu for the requested Panel Group, it is not returned.
- PprLoad-
Load and initialize the application data for a panel group.
- PprSave-
Save the application data for a panel group.
- PprFullSave-
Runs SaveEdits (incl. PeopleCode) and then saves the application data for a panel group. Used by WebClient.
- PprChangeValue-
Does the panel processing necessary to change a panel fields value.
- PprFieldChange-
Runs the FieldChange PeopleCode for a panel field.
- PprDefault-
Sets the default field values for all buffers in a panel group.
- PprInsertRow-
Inserts a scroll row on Panel (F7)
- PprDeleteRow-
Deletes a scroll row on Panel (F8)
- PprSearchStart-
Creates a panel definition for a search dialog. Starts a PanelProcessor for a group with that single panel, and runs Defaults (including SearchInit PC). Optionally retrieves the definition of the INSTALLATION record and the single row of data in that table. Optionally retrieves the definition of the PSOPTIONS record and the single row of data in that table. For the Web Client.
- PprSearchSave-
Run appropriate save edits (definitional and PeopleCode) for a search dialog. For the Web Client.
- PprSecStart-
Load and initialize panel processing for a secondary panel. This includes filling the secondary buffers with data from the parent. For the Web Client.
- PprMItemSelPC-
Run a piece of menu item PeopleCode.
- PprPrePopupPC- Run a piece of PrePopup PeopleCode.
- PsmSchedPrcs-
Schedule a process scheduler job to run on the server.
- PsdGetListSvc-
Get a list of process definitions.
- QdmGetListSvc-
Get a list of available queries.
- RamList-
RamList is a service request that retrieves the records for a search dialogue. For example, when a client fills in partial keys (i.e. Last Name --Smith), RamList service request will be submitted to the server. Then the server will send back a list of full keys (i.e Bob Smith and Jen Smith) for the client to choose from. This service is handled by PSQCKSRV in 3-tier situations.
- RemoteCall-
Performs a RemoteCall service.
- SamGetParmsSvc-
Gets parameters for controlling SQL Access. The parameters include such things as DB name, DB type, etc.
- SqlAccess-
SQL Update transaction. Handled by the PSSAMSRV conversational server.
- SqlQuery-
an alias for SqlRequest to allow PSQRYSRV to handle SqlRequest requests. The SQL statements are user-created via Query.
- SqlRequest-
Executes a single SQL statement as a complete (non-conversational) transaction. The SQL statements are PeopleTools-generated from the source code.
- StmChgPswd-
Change an operators password
- StmGetTimeOut-
Get TimeOut Minutes parameter setting for an operator
- StmGetExplain-
Retrieve the explain text for an error message from the Message Catalog
- OpnQryDescribe-
OpenQuery interface. Describe the characteristics of a PeopleSoft query in RDM serialized form.
- OpnQryExecute-
OpenQuery interface. Execute the PeopleSoft query and return the fetched rows. Rows are returned in PPR BufferList serialized form.
- WamChgInst-
Change an attribute of a worklist item (e.g. its SELECTED status)
- Publish-
Creates a publication message.
- UpdatePubData-
Updates an existing publication, publication contract or subscription contract.
- ResubmitPub-
Resubmits the publication , publication contract or subscription contract. to the Pub/ Sub system.
- CancelPub-
Cancels the publication , publication contract or subscription contract.
- GetPub-
Retrieves the requested publication from the database.
- SubContract-
Retrieves the requested subscription contract from the database.
- PubContract-
Retrieves the requested publication contract from the database.
- MsgAPI-
Service call for Message Agents.
- PSSession-
Service is called to instaniate an API on iClient to the App Server.
- PSBusComp-
Retrieves a Business Component API.
- ICPanel-
Used for server trips for PIA pages (ie. for pages created using Page Designer).
- ICQuery-
Used for all Query Manager server processing (but not for Qyery Viewer which is implemented in PIA pages).
- ICScript-
Used for all Peoplecode Iscripts.
- XmlDriver-
Service call that processes 3rd party/ PS publication contracts.
- ICWorklist-
Used with the worklist.