Friday, March 28, 2014

TableSpace issue while adding new record definition in App Designer

Issue : TableSpace dialog box gets popped up while trying to save Record containing subrecord, Field etc. where backend is Sql Server.

Solution : Disable Platform compatibility mode under PeopleTools->PeopleTools Options and Retry

Platform Compatibility Mode
Enables you to add the capability to set a database compatibility mode as an overall database setting, forcing developers to create applications by using all platforms as the least common denominator. This option enables developers, who create applications for multi-platform deployment, to catch platform-specific issues at design time rather than during testing.

Note. This option is used mainly by PeopleSoft development teams that need to develop applications to run on all supported database platforms. To support numerous database platforms, PeopleSoft needs to have a tablespace for each physical table record definition.

If platform compatibility is enabled for a database, the system forces developers to enter a tablespace name when saving a record definition regardless of the current platform. If this option is disabled, you are only prompted for a tablespace name if you are developing on a platform that utilizes tablespaces. This prevents table record definitions being added to the database without a tablespace name.