: sed [options] '{command}'
sed is very useful stream
editor that accepts a series of commands and executes them on a file (or set of
files) non-interactively.
How sed Works
The sed
utility works by sequentially reading a file, line by line, into memory. It
then performs all actions specified for the line and places the line back in
memory to dump to the terminal with the requested changes made.
all actions have taken place to this one line, it reads the next line of the
file and repeats the process until it is finished with the file.
mentioned, the default output is to display the contents of each line on the
Two important factors
1. The output
can be redirected to another file to save the changes;
2. The original file, by default, is left
Few basic & Advanced examples of sed :
1) Substitute command 's/{old value}/{new value}/'
i] Single change (changes dba with admin )
echo "peoplesoft dba" | sed 's/dba/admin'
ii] Multiple changes
type 1 :
$ echo I’ll go to gym after cricket match | sed -e 's/gym/office/' -e 's/after/before/'
type 2:
$ echo I’ll go to gym after cricket match | sed 's/gym/office/; s/after/before/'
type 3:
$ echo I’ll go to gym after cricket match | sed '
> s/gym/office/
> s/after/before/'
iii] For global changes throughout file through all lines just append g at the end of command 's/after/before/g'
iv] replace tab by spaces
sed 's/ / /g'
2) Replacement with particular patterns
i]this will replace only in lines containing string "wow"
$ sed '/wow/ s/1/2/' sample_one
ii] will replace 1 by 2 in lines having "abc" and 1 by 3 with lines containing "xyz"
$ sed '
> /abc/ s/1/2/
> /xyz/ s/1/3/' sample_one
iii] using script file as sed options
$ cat sedlist
/abc/ s/1/2/
/xyz/ s/1/3/
and use that file as
$ sed -f sedlist sample_one
iv] substitute "html" with "xml" only in the fifth and sixth line
$ sed '5,6 s/html/xml/' sample_one
v] prohibit display(verbose) use -n
sed -n -f sedlist sample_one
vi] display 2nd to 6th lines
sed -n '2,6p' sample_one
3) deleting lines with syntax-> '{what to find} d'
i] To remove lines containing "man"
sed '/man/ d' sample_one
ii] delete first 3 lines
sed '1,3 d' sample_one
iii] delete the line if "sta" were the first three characters of the line
sed '/^sta/ d' sample_one
iv] delete the line only if "pky" were the last three characters of the line
sed '/pky$/ d' sample_one
v) delete all blank lines from file
sed '/^$/ d' {filename}
iv] delete first line throught to the first blank line
sed '1,/^$/ d' {filename}
vii] combined command
sed '/man/ s/1/2/; /sta/ s/1/3/; /^$/ d' sample_one
4) Huge files sized in GBs cant be opened in vi editor. Here is trick to get desired log context from file.
i. grep –in “JavaException” hugefile
will return JavaException matching line with line number.
ii Now reduce the filelength by getting few lines before and after JavaException line number as
sed –n ‘no1,no2p’ hugefile < newtempfile ( no1 & no2 are starting & ending numbers )
Now you can open newtempfile and troubleshoot errors backward & forward .
5) To comment lines from 4th to 22nd in a script and uncomment lines from 26th to 34th
sed -e '4,22 s/^/#/' -e '26,34 s/^#//' > newfile
6) You want to read script but dont want unneccessary comments
sed -e '/^#/d' nirajScript.ksh | more
7) To display only clients status for App server & removing headers & any blank lines from output.
psadmin -c cstatus –d FSDEV 2> /dev/null | sed -e '1,3 d' -e '/^$/ d' -e '$ d'
Use of Next parameter in sed
The Next command is used for multiline pattern space manipulation.
it allows you to juggle text that you wish to control over multiple lines.
Where the next command outputs the contents of the pattern space then reads the next line...
the Next command reads the contents of the next line then appends it to the pattern space
separating first line from the second with a "\n" character.
8) To delete two consecutive empty lines in a file
sed ‘/^$/{
}’ datafile123
9) To replace a path in a file from /home/psoft/output/ to /var/spool/report/
As / is special shell character it has to be escaped either by ‘\’ or we can use @ here instead of ‘/’
Type 1:
sed ‘s@/home/psoft/output/@/var/spool/report/@g’ datafile123
Type 2:
sed ‘s/\/home\/psoft\/output\//\/var\/spool\/report\//g’ datafile123
10)sed & Usage: Substitute /home/psoft/ to /home/psoft/log
sed 's@/home/psoft@&/log@g' file123.txt
11)sed & usage : Match the whole line
sed 's@^.*$@<<<&>>>@g' path.txt
In the above example regexp has “^.*$” which matches the whole line. Replacement part <<<&>>> writes the whole line with <<< and >>> in the beginning and end of the line respectively.
Regular expressions behave slight differently in sed, awk,grep, shell.
So here is how they can be used in sed
So here is how they can be used in sed
Matches the beginning of
the line
Matches the end of the
Matches any single
Will match zero or more
occurrences of the previous character
[ ]
Matches all the characters
inside the [ ]
Reg Expression
Will match any line that contains at least one character
Will match any line that contains at least two characters
Will match any line that begins with a '#'
Will match all blank lines
Will match any lines that ends with '}' (no spaces)
/} *$/
Will match any line ending with '}' followed by zero or more
Will match any line that contains a lowercase 'a', 'b', or 'c'
Will match any line that begins with an 'a', 'b', or 'c'
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