Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tablespace error while migrating objects from Peoplesoft domain with Server Server DB to Oracle using PS tools

Issues : Error while building custom records migrated from domain with Sql server as backend to other domain with oracle db in app designer

Error : Table space name is required for this platform(76,44)

Solution :
Error was obvious as we had migrated the custom records from Peoplesoft domain having sql server as backend to new domain with Oracle.
As Sql server does not support tablespace whereas Oracle does so it expected table space to be assigned to records while building them.
To resolve it we had to update DDLSPACENAME field with PSDEFAULT tablespace (which is mostly a default tablespace for sysadm user but it can vary) in PSRECTBLSPC against all custom records which are needed to be built.
Usually delivered records are database independant hence they do have corresponding tablespace assigned to them in PSRECTBLSPC hence this issue is not applicable for delivered records.

Same issue is expected when you migrate the records using data mover.
You are likely to get similar tablespace error when you will be performing import of exported custom records data.
in that case it is advisable to update the PSRECTBLSPC table in source before performing export of data.

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